For one whole hour today I forgot all about the political strife in our country. For one whole hour today I forgot about mass shootings. For one whole hour today I smiled and laughed and felt light and unencumbered. For one whole hour today I attended the CDC’s summer camp talent show and I’m so glad that I did! 

Their performances seemed effortless; just kids being kids, enjoying themselves.  I am so thankful for the gift of that one whole hour that they gave me today. 

-Leslie Gipple

I watched a diverse group of girls and boys sing and dance and rap and play the piano. Many days over the last few weeks I have seen them rehearsing in the gym, working diligently on their performances while being encouraged by teachers Teresa Gatewood and Kiera Gatewood. But today their performances seemed effortless; just kids being kids, enjoying themselves. 

I am so thankful for the gift of that one whole hour that they gave me today. 

It’s not that I want to stick my head in the sand and forget about mass shootings and the strife that permeates every stratum of our country. Rather, I don’t want there to be mass shootings and turmoil for us to have to contemplate every day! And today, for one whole hour, our children reminded me of what that FEELS like. That experience evoked in me, viscerally, a keen sense why each of us, using our own unique skills, must stay vigilant to stop gun violence, hate speech and continued social and economic stratification of our society. 

Everyone deserves to live free of pervasive fear, sadness, and anxiety — and it shakes me to my core to consider what growing up in this kind of atmosphere does to our children. We must do the work of creating a more perfect union. 

I sincerely thank the teachers and staff of our CDC for creating such a nurturing environment for our children and for reminding me today of the life-affirming, societal value of one whole hour, of unfettered peace and joy.